The Orange County Arts Commission is the Local Arts Agency for Orange County, NC, and the Designated County Partner to the North Carolina Arts Council since 1985. Our mission is to promote and strengthen the artistic and cultural development of Orange County, North Carolina. We are also the manager of the Eno Arts Mill, a multi-purpose arts space in Hillsborough, NC.

We believe the arts are critical to mental and physical wellbeing, enhance community character and quality of life, and spur economic vitality. Creative expression is a fundamental right for all people and we seek to lift up and support all voices in our community.


In order to submit an application or register, you need to first create a Submittable account.  If you need assistance, please contact Katie Murray at or 919-245-2335. 

The Eno Arts Mill is located within the historic Eno Mill in the West Hillsborough neighborhood. The Orange County Arts Commission (OCAC) currently occupies two spaces with artist studios, located close to each other within the mill:

  • The Eno Mill Artist Studios are 11 studios within a 3,000 square-foot working space. Click here to view a map.  
  • Suite 17 includes the OCAC offices, a classroom, gallery/events space, and 5 offices/studios available to artists and/or cultural organizations.  Click here to view a map. 

All studios include 24/7 access (workspace only), wifi, utilities, opportunities to exhibit work, communal gathering and workspace, and access to a loading dock and restrooms. Both spaces are on the first floor of the mill.

Applications are accepted from artists, designers, and craftspeople looking to further their professional careers through dedicated studio practice. Studios will be awarded based on criteria listed below.

The OCAC is looking for creatives who:

  • Are community-minded and will benefit from a co-working, semiprivate studio environment
  • Display commitment to their craft through an existing body of work
  • Create original work
  • Are willing to participate in monthly public events, such as Last Friday Art Walk. The space will not be open to the general public other than during special events and by appointment with studio tenants.

Tenant Selection Considerations

  • The OCAC seeks to represent a variety of artistic disciplines.
  • The OCAC seeks to include artists of varying levels in their career.
  • The OCAC seeks to include artists of varying ages, races, and backgrounds.
  • Will this person’s practice work within the space available? 
  • Does this person already have a place to work?
  • Will this person use the space regularly? Will they participate in open studios and other public events?

Important Information

  • Filling out an application does not guarantee studio space.
  • The Mill Studios are work only, we do not provide live-work spaces (however this is a possibility in coming years).
  • A security deposit of one month’s rent plus first month’s rent, which may be pro-rated, are due at lease signing.
  • To ensure the safety and security of all tenants, accepted tenants must be willing to undergo a criminal background check.
  • All tenants must hold a minimum $1M general liability policy showing Orange County and Hedgehog Holdings as additional insured. You can anticipate this costing between $200-$500 per year, or approximately $20-$50 per month. Certificate of Insurance must be on file before keys are given. The OCAC can connect you with a local insurance agent to assist you, if needed.  
  • Tenants are required to sign a one-year lease which may be renewed annually for up to three years. 
  • Tenants are required to agree to our Tenant Agreement Code of Conduct.
  • For studios that do not have access to natural light, interior lighting has been installed which mimics natural light (5,000 kelvins).
  • Equipment or materials that produce excessive fumes requiring special ventilation, smoke, fire, excessive dust, noise, or permanent damage to the facilities are not appropriate for this space. Preservatives/solvents including turpentine, ammonia, sodium fluoride, phenol or mercury compounds, as well as spray paint/spray fixative and dry pigments are not allowed. Only low-odor or odor-free mineral spirits are allowed. All solvent-soaked rags must be placed in a self-closing waste disposal can and emptied on a regular basis.
  • The studios are visual artists only; however, the classrooms and gallery can be rented for musical performance and/or rehearsal.
  • Tenants must possess awareness of the health, safety, and hospitable working environment of other artist tenants and a respect for the upkeep and preservation of the facilities. This includes but is not limited to noise pollution (eg: loud equipment and music), use of toxic materials, and the use and proper disposal of studio waste (eg: solvent soaked rags, hot wax, turpentine, acetone, etc) and keeping common areas clean. Artists will also avoid unsolicited critiques and only offer feedback when asked.
  •  Pets are not allowed.

Please note: this is not a grant application. This is a report form for prior grantees of the arts commission.  For current grant opportunities, please visit

All reports are due by Monday, July 15, 2024, by 11:59pm, unless your program/project has been delayed and you have directly communicated with OCAC director Katie Murray regarding your situation. Reports must be received by the due date in order to be eligible for future grant opportunities. Organizations receiving more than one grant must submit a separate report for each grant received.  


The Orange County Arts Commission offers Artist Project Grants to encourage artist-led community projects and programs. Funds are approved by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners.

Click here to view a list of last year's funded projects.  


  • All applicants must reside in or carry out projects within Orange County. Priority is given to Orange County artist-residents.
  • Applicant must be an individual artist or an unincorporated group of artists. Projects affiliated with, or artists representing, an incorporated organization must apply as an organization through the Grassroots Arts Program.
  • Applications and support materials must be submitted electronically by the due date.


  • Monday, June 3, 2024: Application Period opens
  • Sunday, June 30, 2024: Applications due by 11:59PM
  • August, 2023: Applicants will be notified
  • September, 2023: Check presentation at Board of County Commissioners meeting (date TBD)
  • All projects must take place between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025 (this means you can apply for a project that may have already happened before you are notified).


  • Artist Project Grant funds may be used for expenditures to conduct quality arts programs for the benefit of the greater community. Typical uses of money include artist payments, space rental, advertising, marketing and publicity, website and electronic media, scripts, costumes, sets, props, supplies, equipment rental or purchase.
  • The maximum request amount for Artist Project Grants is $3,000.
  • Artist grantees are not required to match their grant amounts dollar for dollar, but priority will be given to applicants that have other funding sources, or their own funds, invested in the project.

Artist Project Grants must not request funding for:

  • Food or beverage costs
  • School supplies
  • Art Therapy
  • Rent at Eno Arts Mill Studios


Applications are reviewed by panels of experts in the visual, performing, and literary arts, comprised of members of the OCAC Advisory Board and members of the artist community.  Panelists discuss and score the grant using an established rating system. The highest scoring applications are funded and the dollar amount granted to each applicant is determined by the OCAC Advisory Board. The panel evaluates applications based on the following criteria:

  1. Artistic quality of proposed project and artist’s work
  2. Community impact of project or program 
  3. Likelihood that applicant will complete grant project as proposed 
  4. Proof of community support and responsiveness to community needs, such as letters of support from partnering organizations

Panelists discuss and score the grant using an established rating system. The highest scoring applications are funded and the dollar amount granted to each applicant is determined.


  • OCAC Recognition Grantees must acknowledge the Orange County Arts Commission’s support of their event or projects by including their logo in all print and promotional materials related to the grant. The OCAC’s website offers information and downloadable logos at 
  • Reporting Requirements Each grantee is required to submit a final report providing a detailed description of the funded project, participation statistics and demographics, and sample marketing and program materials using the OCAC logo. The report forms will be sent to you by OCAC director Katie Murray and will be due by Monday, July 14, 2025. Artists who have not submitted reports for prior grants are not eligible to apply for future requests.


Please read our FAQ's!  

If applicants have questions or need assistance, please contact Katie Murray at 919-245-2335 or

Solicitud del Programa de Becas para Proyectos de Artistas 2024-25


La Comisión de Artes del Condado de Orange ofrece Becas para Proyectos de Artistas para fomentar proyectos y programas comunitarios dirigidos por artistas. Los fondos son aprobados por la Junta de Comisarios del Condado de Orange.

Haga clic aquí para ver una lista de los proyectos financiados el año pasado.


  • Todos los solicitantes deben residir o llevar a cabo proyectos dentro del Condado de Orange. Se le da prioridad a los artistas que residen en el  Condado de Orange.
  • Los solicitantes pueden ser un artista individual o un grupo de artistas no incorporado. Los proyectos afiliados o artistas que representan a una organización incorporada deben postularse como organización a través del  Programa de Arte para Organizaciones Communitarias (Grassroots).
  • Las  solicitudes y los materiales de apoyo deben enviarse electrónicamente hasta la fecha de entrega.


  • Lunes 3 de junio: se abre el período de solicitud
  • Domingo 30 de junio: las solicitudes deben entregarse antes de medianoche
  • Agosto: se notificará a los solicitantes
  • Otoño 2023: Entrega de cheques en la reunión de la Junta de Comisionados del Condado, (provisional)
  • Todos los proyectos deben realizarse entre el 1 de julio de 2024 y el 30 de junio de 2025 (esto significa que puede solicitar un proyecto que ya haya ocurrido antes de que se le notifique)


  • Los fondos de las Becas para Proyectos Artísticos se pueden usar para gastos donde se lleva a cabo programas artísticos de calidad para beneficiar a la comunidad en general. Algunos usos tipicos del dinero incluyen pagos de artistas, gastos de viaje y capacitación, alquiler de espacios, publicidad, marketing y publicidad, paginas web y medios electrónicos, guiones, disfraces, sets, accesorios, suministros, alquiler o compra de equipos.
  • El monto máximo de solicitud para las subvenciones para proyectos de artistas es de $3,000.
  • Los artistas beneficiarios no están obligados a igualar los montos de sus donaciones dólar por dólar, pero se dará prioridad a los solicitantes que tengan otras fuentes de financiación pública o privada, o sus propios fondos, invertidos en el proyecto.


Las solicitudes son revisadas por paneles de expertos en artes visuales, escénicas y literarias, compuestos por miembros de la Junta Asesora de OCAC y miembros de la comunidad de artistas. Los panelistas discuten y califican la Beca utilizando un sistema de calificación establecido. Las solicitudes de puntuación más altas son financiadas y la Junta Asesora de OCAC determina el monto en dólares otorgado a cada solicitante. El panel evalúa las solicitudes con base en los siguientes criterios:

  1. Calidad artística del proyecto propuesto y obra del artista.
  2. Impacto comunitario del proyecto o programa.
  3. Probabilidad de que el solicitante complete el proyecto de subvención como se propone.
  4. Prueba de apoyo de la comunidad y capacidad de respuesta a las necesidades de la comunidad, como cartas de apoyo de organizaciones asociadas.

Los panelistas discuten y califican la beca usando un sistema de calificación establecido. Se financian las solicitudes con la puntuación más alta y se determina el monto en dólares otorgado a cada solicitante.


  • Reconocimiento OCAC Los beneficiarios deben reconocer el apoyo de la Comisión de Arte del Condado de Orange (OCAC) en su evento o proyecto al incluir su logotipo en todos los materiales impresos y promocionales relacionados con la subvención. El sitio web de la OCAC ofrece información y logotipos descargables en
  • Los Requisitos del Informe Final Se requiere que cada becado presente un informe final que proporcione una descripción detallada del proyecto financiado, estadísticas de participación y de datos demográficos, materiales y programas de marketing que muestran la utilización del logotipo de OCAC. La directora de OCAC, Katie Murray, enviará los formularios de informe a cada becado. Los becados tienen hasta el lunes 14 de julio de 2025 para entregar su Informe Final. Los artistas que no presenten Informes Finales de Becas no serán elegibles para solicitar solicitudes futuras.


 Si los solicitantes tienen preguntas o necesitan ayuda, comuníquese con Katie Murray al kmurray (at)


Since 1977, the N. C. Arts Council’s Grassroots Arts Program has provided North Carolina citizens access to quality arts experiences. The program distributes funds for the arts in all 100 counties of the state primarily through partnerships with local arts councils. The Orange County Arts Commission (OCAC) serves as the N. C. Arts Council’s partner in awarding subgrants to local organizations for arts programs in Orange County, as well as additional grant funds approved by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners.


  • All organizations must have been in operation for at least one year, and must be either a nonprofit organization or have a nonprofit sponsor to receive funds on their behalf.
  • All organizations must physically reside in Orange County. (Organizations serving more than one county should apply for Grassroots funding through the county in which they are physically located)
  • Organizations that receive general support funds through the N.C. Arts Council or the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources are not eligible for Grassroots funds.
  • Individuals are not eligible to apply for Grassroots Arts funds.
  • Applications and support materials must be submitted electronically by the due date.


  • Monday, June 3, 2024: Application Period opens
  • Sunday, June 30, 2024: Applications due by 11:59PM
  • August, 2023: Applicants will be notified
  • September, 2023: Check presentation at Board of County Commissioners meeting (date TBD)
  • All projects must take place between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025 (this means you can apply for a project that may have already happened before you are notified).

Grassroots Arts Program funds may be used for expenditures to conduct quality arts programs or operate an arts organization. Typical uses of Grassroots money include:

  • Program expenses such as professional artists’ fees and travel, space rental, advertising, marketing and publicity, website and electronic media, scripts, costumes, sets, props, music and theater equipment rental. Program-related requests have a maximum request limit of $5,000.
  • Operating expenses for qualified arts and cultural organizations not already receiving operating support from the N.C. Arts Council or N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. These can include salaries, telephone, office supplies, printing, postage, rent, utilities, insurance and equipment rental. Organizations must have an arts-based mission and an annual operating budget of less than $2M in order to request operating funds. Operations-related requests have a maximum request limit of $5,000.

Funding Policies

  • Tribal organizations that receive grassroots funds must represent state or federally recognized tribes (individual artists may apply to our Artist Project Grant Program)
  • Colleges, universities and libraries may receive grants for arts programs that are community based or generate regional arts involvement. Grants may not support their internal programs, administration or operation expenses (library books, band boosters, equipment purchases).
  • Grassroots funds may not be awarded to individuals.
  • Grassroots funds may not be used for art supplies.
  • Grassroots funds may be used for student transportation to regional arts exhibits and programs on a limited basis.
  • Grants may not be awarded for prizes, competitions, scholarships, tuition or financial awards.
  • Religious organizations or churches may not receive Grassroots funds unless the programs are presented outside regular church services, engage the larger community and do not contain religious content.
  • Grassroots funds may not be used for activities associated with a school’s internal arts programs, such as in-school student performances, the purchase of art supplies, or student arts competitions and publications.
  • Municipalities (city/county government) and community organizations may receive grants for arts programs that use qualified artists to conduct programs that involve the greater community. Grants may not support internal programs, administration or operating expenses.
  • Organizations with an annual operating budget of more than $2M may not request operations support, only programmatic support.

   Grassroots Arts Program money may not be used for the following kinds of expenditures:

  • Art, music, and dance therapists
  • Artifacts
  • Purchase artwork
  • Capital expenditures
  • Contingency funds
  • Deficit reduction
  • Equipment
  • Fundraising events
  • Food or beverages for hospitality or entertainment functions
  • School band activities or equipment
  • School choral activities
  • Lobbying expenses
  • Oral history and history projects
  • Tuition for academic study
  • Interest on loans, fines or litigation costs

Matching Requirement

  • All grantees are required to match their grant amounts dollar for dollar. The funds must come from other public or private sources. In-kind donations of goods or services may be used as matching funds. Other N.C. Arts Council funds or state funds (i.e. public university dollars) cannot be used as a match.

Racial and Cultural Diversity Requirement 

  • The N.C. Arts Council works to provide a representative portion of grant funds for arts programming that reflects the racial and cultural diversity of the state. The OCAC is required to spend 35% of its annual county allotment for programming that reflects African American, Asian American, Latinx, and Native American cultures, based on the percentage of each population in Orange County.

Applications are reviewed by panels of experts in the visual, performing, and literary arts, comprised of members of the OCAC Advisory Board and members of the artist community. Panelists discuss and score the grant using an established rating system. The highest scoring applications are funded and the dollar amount granted to each applicant is determined by the OCAC Advisory Board. The panel evaluates applications based on the NCAC Priorities for Funding (below) and the following criteria:

  • Artistic quality of proposed project or programs
  • Community impact of project or programs
  • Multicultural aspect of the program
  • Educational impact of the project
  • Ability to plan and implement project
  • Stability and fiscal responsibility of the organization
  • Integration into curriculum and/or enrichment (schools only)
  • Need (schools only, based on percentage Free and Reduced Lunch)

North Carolina Arts Council Priorities for Funding

  • The first priority of the Grassroots Arts subgrant program is to provide operating or program support to qualified arts organizations including theaters, symphonies, galleries, art guilds, choral societies, dance companies, folk arts societies, writers groups and arts festivals, among others. Grassroots funds are not generally awarded to arts organizations that receive funding through the N.C. Arts Council’s General Support Program or the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
  • The second priority of the Grassroots Arts subgrant program is to support arts learning and arts in education programs conducted by qualified artists. These can be artist residencies in schools, after-school summer camps or adult arts learning classes.
  • The third priority of Grassroots Arts subgrants is to support community organizations that provide quality art experiences for the greater community. These programs must be conducted by qualified artists.


  • NCAC/OCAC Recognition Grantees must acknowledge the N. C. Arts Council and Orange County Arts Commission’s support of their event or projects by including their logos and funding credit lines in all print and promotional materials related to the grant. The OCAC’s website offers information and downloadable logos at Proper acknowledgment will be considered during future funding requests.
  • Reporting Requirements Each grantee is required to submit a final report providing a detailed description of the funded project, participation statistics and demographics, sample marketing and program materials using the N. C. Arts Council credit line and logo, and copies of their legislative letters. The Report Forms will be sent to you by OCAC director Katie Murray and will be due by Monday, July 14, 2025. Organizations who have not submitted reports for prior grants are not eligible to apply for future requests.
  • Legislative Letters Grantees are asked to write state representatives to thank them for appropriating Grassroots funds. The letter should provide information about how Grassroots funds were used to support your program or project, and the community impact of the event. A copy of all letters to legislators must be included in the subgrantee’s final report.


Be sure to check out our F.A.Q's here. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Katie Murray at 919-245-2335 or

Orange County Arts Commission